Robotic & Coding

Robotic and Coding This project aims to introduce students to the world of robotic coding, offering a wide range of training from basic to advanced projects. Participants gain in-depth knowledge in areas such as microcontrollers, sensors, motor control, image processing and artificial intelligence, while developing robotic systems with practical applications. Starting from Arduino to autonomous vehicle algorithms, from IoT integration to future biomimetic robotic systems, this process allows students to create innovative and sustainable solutions.
Our project aims to train future engineers, software developers and innovative leaders by increasing interest in technology. Now let’s examine our subject-by-subject content. Robotic Coding Content Topics (Basic to Advanced)
1-Introduction to Robotic Coding
What is a robot? Fundamentals of robotic coding.
2-Introduction to Microcontroller
Introduction of devices such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi.
3-Electronic Components and Sensors
Using basic electronic components and working with sensors.
4-Coding with Arduino
Basic coding techniques on Arduino platform.
5-Motor Control Systems
Servo motor and DC motor control.
6-Sensor Integration
Use of ultrasonic, Lidar and IR sensors in robots.
7-Algorithm Development
Creating basic algorithms for robotic systems.
8-Mobile Robotic Systems
Development of wheeled and tracked robots.
9-Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles
Line following robots and autonomous motion algorithms.
10-Data Collection and Analysis
Data collection and analysis processes from robotic systems. 11-Artificial Intelligence Based Robotics
Teaching tasks to robots with machine learning.
12-Industrial Robotics Applications
Robotic arms and systems used in factories.
13-Working with ROS (Robot Operating System)
Fundamentals of ROS-based robotic projects. 14-Image Processing and Robotics
Image processing with cameras and robot control.
15-Optimization of Robotic Systems
Software and hardware optimization to increase efficiency.
16-Design and Control of Robotic Arms
Construction and motion control of mechanical arms.
17-IoT Integration for Robots
Connecting robots to the Internet of Things (IoT).
18-Robotic Systems Working in Swarms
Coordination of multi-robot systems.
19-Hybrid Robotic Systems
Robots working with different energy sources.
20-Future Robotics Technologies
Soft robotics and biomimetic systems.